It’s Strange Up North

We're delighted to announce the inaugural "It's Strange Up North", an evening of fantastical fiction featuring some of the very best writers working in the SFF space today.

When and where?

This event will be hosted at the wonderful Waterstones on Albion Street in Leeds, from 5.30pm-8.30pm on 15 June 2024.

What is it?

The evening will start with an opportunity to mingle with your favourite authors, chat about their work, their books and just about anything else — with complimentary drinks and nibbles provided, of course. Then the authors will move to their individual tables where you can get your books signed and continue the conversation. The lovely Waterstones staff will have all the authors' books available for sale on the night which you can then get signed and dedicated. It's a very laidback affair, designed to close the gap between reader and author. There are no stages, no panels, no readings: just an opportunity to be social and have fun. Come along and have a chat about all things speculative, discover new books, and ask your favourite authors the burning questions you've always wanted to ask.

How much is it?

The ticket price is £10, of which £5 will be redeemable against the purchase of any books during the event

Tickets are available here!

What will you get?

Upon arrival, you'll receive a special Strange Up North tote bag filled with goodies and a pamphlet for the evening. There will be complimentary drinks, snacks, and cake. And, of course, you have the opportunity to chat to all the wonderful authors.

For a full brochure, scroll down

Attending Authors

Stephen Aryan (The Judas Blossom)

RJ Barker (Gods of the Wyrdwood)

Nicholas Binge (Ascension)

Charlotte Bond (The Fireborne Blade)

Sarah Brooks (The Cautious Traveller's Guide To The Wasteland)

Gareth Brown (The Book of Doors)

Eliza Chan (Fathomfolk)

Grace Curtis (Frontier)

Sunyi Dean (The Book Eaters)

Hannah Kaner (Godkiller)

LR Lam (Dragonfall)

Oliver Langmead (Calypso)

Thomas D Lee (Perilous Times)

CK McDonnell (The Stranger Times)

Catriona Silvey (Meet Me In Another Life)

Emma Sterner Radley (Snowblooded)

Lorraine Wilson (Mother Sea)

Frances White (Voyage of the Damned)


Any specific queries, please email: